Friday, August 30, 2013

It Never Goes Away

What a stupid title for this post. Of course it never goes away. I have always known that! It is an ADDICTION, ALWAYS a struggle for them. It is all about taking it one day at a time and learning how to battle the urges. But does the pain ever end? Can it ever end? In this life or do I have to wait until after? I know that with God, and all that the Savior has done for us, it can go away. It is just SOOOOO hard!!!!

Right now I don't feel like fighting for it anymore. I have fought long and hard. Can I be fought for now, please? Can I actually feel like he wants me forever? That I am actually worth fighting tooth and nail for? I feel like it is time for him to bust his butt in all that needs to be done.

I fear this will never happen unless I walk away.

I'm back to my blog. I need it.